We gratefully accept all monetary and in-kind donations. Gifts of your time are also appreciated.
Donations can be made safely and securely online with PayPal by clicking the button below.
To mail a donation, please send a check payable to Bell Tower Memorial, Inc:
Bell Tower Memorial
Jean Miller, Treasurer
PO Box 681
Pewaukee, WI 53072
The Bell Tower Memorial is also recognized as a charitable organization on Amazon Smile! To start shopping, simply click on this link, or on the image below. Tens of millions of products are eligible for a donation of .05% of your purchase. We appreciate your support!
For a list of specific sponsorship opportunities, CLICK HERE.
To volunteer your time on one of our committees, please contact Cheri Enters.
Bell Tower Memorial, Inc. is a 501c3, non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Bell Tower Memorial, Inc., respects the confidentiality and privacy of your information. We utilize a secure server for all transactions which hold sensitive information. The secure server utilizes an SSL protocol that encrypts information, including credit card information. All information which is sent to our secure server is used solely to process your transaction. Bell Tower Memorial, Inc., does not share registration information provided to us. We do not share information with a third party.